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attempt aweigh awning camp campaign captain centipede champ change cheapen chimp chip damage damp dampen Daphne decamp decapitate deign depend dependant dependence dependent depict dig digging digit dining dip jinn edging eight emancipate encamp engage engagement engine enigma entwine epic nag nap nape naphtha neap negate neigh netting nigh night nip paean page pageant paid pain paint painting pan panacea panache panama panda pandemic pang panic panpipe pant papaw patent pathetic patience patient patina paten paw pawn peen pecan pectin pedant pediment pewit peg pemmican pen penance pence penchant pendant pendent pending petite pew pewit penning phew pi pica picnic pidgin pie piece pied pig pied tamp tang tangent tatting tempt tepid thigh thing tight timpani ting tinge tip tippet twain twang twig twin twine twinge twinned wag wage win wedding wedge weep weigh wept hang Whig whim whine epidemic epitaph epithet gain gait game gamma gimp gang gannet gap gape gawp gem Gemini gem gene genie gent gentian gnat giant gig gigantic gin gingham gnat gnaw hang hanging happen heading height heighten hemp Alf calf calve cavalcade cheval cleave clef deflate deflect delft elf elevate elf exalt excavate excel exhale fatal feel fell fellah felt fettle flat flax flea fled flee fleece fleet flex half halva halve helve lava latex lave lax leaf leaflet leave levee level levee telex vale valve velvet vex abase abash abbess abs abracadabra abrade abreast abscess abstract agar aggregate aghast agree Arab baas baccarat badge badger bag bags bar barb barber bard bare barge barrage barred barter base bash bass baste bats batter bear beard bearer beast beater beer beg beget beggar berate berg berth beseech beset best better bra drag dredge dregs dressage eager egress egret erg gab garage garb garbage garret garter gas gash gather geese grace grade grass grate great grebe greed greet great habeas haggard herb herbage rag rage ragged ragtag regard regatta reggae regress regret Sabbath stabber saber sag saga sage scab scarab sedge segregate serge brace bract brad brag brae brash brass brassard brat breach bread breadth breast breath breathe bred breech breeches breed cabaret cabbage caber charge charger crab crag dagger daggered debar debag degrade degree drab shag sherbet stab stag stage stager stagger tabard target ahoy anaconda anecdote annotate annoy anode anodyne anon any anyone caftan candy cannon canny canoe canon canto canton canyon cayenne chancy cocoon con concede conch concoct condone cone Coney connect connote contact contend content cotton coy coyote dandy deacon deafen decency defendant defy denote deny don donate done dotty doyen dyne defy encode enfant eon fan fancy fanny fatten fatty fen fence fend fey fond fondant font hefty hoyden hyena nanny natty notch nay neo neon no nod node non nonce none noon not note ocean octane offday offence offend hearten herald alternate entrench lacerate ladder larch lard larder learn lateral lather latter leader learn leather leer letter macerate madder mallard matter manner mar March march mare marl marmalade marten mart maternal matter meddler mercer merchant mere meter narrate Neanderthal near nectar near nether relented ram Ramadan ran ranch rend rant rattan rattle real realm ream rearm rectal redden reel relate relent remand remnant rename renal rend render rennet rent renter retell retrench offhand often on one onto Taffy taffy annoy teeny tendon Today ton tone toy ton tycoon yahoo yen yon yoyo apathy away cagey away gay gyp happy hatchway paddy papacy papaya patty pay petty type way whey yap yaw yew Adherent accelerated accelerate alarm alderman alert alter ammeter anther antler arcane ardent arena arm armada armament arrant calendar camera canard cancer canter careen carnal cartel cellar center central center cereal charlatan charm clatter clear clearance cradle crane cream credence creel cremate crenellated dander darn dealer decelerate declare demarcate dram drama dream drench earn earthen elder emmer emerald enter enthrall entrance entrant entreat entree entrench errand eternal halter hammer harden harem harm charlatan tanner tarantella tarmac tarn tartan teller trench tender tanner term tern thermal thrall threaten tram trammel trance treacle treadle treatment trench trenchant trencher trend clement clench clew dandle dental dwell eland element enamel tentacle waddle wale wall Walla handle Hellene lament lance land lane lateen abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz aBcDeFgHIjKlMnOpQRstUVwXyZ latent law lawn lean lend lent lewd macaw manacle mantel mantle mantle maw mental nacelle natal wallet wattle wheedle wheel Totally 210 lines including this line. This is the end. Congratulations!